Triyoga is a relaxing, meditative form of yoga that can benefit all ages and stages of life. The benefit of TriYoga is to make the make the body and mind a better instrument for life through improved clarity, awareness and energy. This is achieved with a sequenced flow of postures, breath and focus. Mona is certified by Kali Ray, the founder of Triyoga.
Private and semi-private sessions at my studio in Wilmette:
60 minutes – $120
Group classes:
Currently subbing at Yogaview in Wilmette (
TriYoga History
Triyoga is its own system of yoga created in the mid-80′s by internationally renowned yogini, Kali Ray. It includes the full range of yoga practices in the tradition of ancient hatha yoga. It is taught in 38 countries with over 34 centers around the world, and includes 7 levels with over 1000 hasta mudras (hand gestures).
TriYoga Difference
Much of TriYoga’s uniqueness is in its three main characteristics – spinal wave like motion, relaxation in action and economy of motion. Within these principals, it unites breath and movement to help awaken pranic flow through the body and mind. The fluidity and slow pace encourages mindfulness, very similar to the practices of Qi Gong and Tai Chi.
Qi Gong Connection
As with TriYoga, Qi Gong uses breathing practices and movements to control energy flow or qi (“chee”). The concept of moving with relaxation and fluidity to create “effortless power” is a fundamental parallel between Triyoga and Qi Gong that encourages many people to crossover between the two.
The ancient traditions that honor Qi and Prana, such as QiGong and TriYoga help us to uncover our true nature and potential, not as we think we are supposed to be, but as we truly are.