Qi Gong
Qi Gong (“chee-gung”) is the practice of working with qi, “life energy”, with roots in ancient Chinese medicine, philosophy and martial arts. Qi Gong combines rhythmic breathing and slow, fluid movement as a source for meditation, self-healing and exercise. Mona is certified by Qi Gong master, Lee Holden.
Private and semi-private sessions at my studio in Wilmette:
60 minutes – $120
Qi Gong History
Qi Gong dates back to ancient Chinese culture. Parallels can be found in other Chinese practices such as Tai Chi, Taoism and Zen Buddhism. There are many different forms of Qi Gong that focus on benefits such as self-healing for medicine, exercise for martial arts, and meditation for higher states of consciousness.
Finding Your Qi
The power of Qi Gong lies in cultivating, balancing and controlling qi (“chee”). Qi is an active, central part of any living being, often translated as life energy, life force, vital breath or energy flow. It is the essential force that animates all living things.
More Than Meets The Eye
When people watch Qi Gong, some may only see slow movements and stretching, but Qi Gong has an unseen depth. It allows people to tap into their own energy systems and drastically improve their life experience on many levels including health, energy level, mental clarity, emotions and spirituality.
Your body is your own personal messenger. Tune into its wisdom; treat it like a wise guide as well as a true friend.
- Lee Holden