Massage Therapy

Enjoy a therapeutic massage that delivers powerful, natural results for relieving pain, stress and tension. Choose from Deep Tissue Massage, Swedish Massage, Reflexology and Thai Yoga Therapy. Mona is a licensed massage therapist and certified Reflexologist.

View massage descriptions and prices below.

Swedish Massage

Swedish massage is used to help detoxify the system, promote relaxation, and improve circulation.

60 minutes – $120
90 minutes – $170

Deep Tissue Massage

Is a deeper application and focus of pressure to help release tight trigger points and aid in the release of specific areas of chronic tension.

60 minutes – $135
90 minutes – $185


Reflexology is a form of therapy that uses pressure points on the feet to stimulate reflexes that correspond to all the glands, organs, and parts of the body. It is considered to be simultaneously detoxifying, relaxing, and stimulating for the whole body.

45 minutes – $110 (includes feet)
60 minutes – $120 (includes feet, hands, scalp massage)

Thai Yoga Therapy

Thai Yoga Therapy incorporates gentle rocking, rhythmic acupressure, deep stretching and assisted yoga postures. It helps the body release toxins and stimulate energy flow, creating a feeling of both relaxation and energy.

60 minutes – $120
90 minutes – $170

At the center of your being you have the answer; you know who you are and you know what you want.

- Lao Tzu