Relaxation. Awareness. Qi.

It is said that we have an average of 60,000 thoughts a day.

So consider this, how many of those thoughts are creative, inspired and loving towards yourself and others?

My passion is to help people achieve higher quality lives through improved health, energy and clarity. Some of my clients come for Massage, and others for TriYoga or Qi Gong. All three are powerful ways to reduce stress, increase energy and experience a more focused life. My one-on-one sessions are aimed to help you feel more like who you were meant to be. About Me »

Massage Therapy

The benefits of massage are more than skin deep. Studies have shown massage to be beneficial in reducing pain and stress, improving sleep and supporting the body's natural healing response to create an overall sense of well-being. Massage »


Nicknamed the "Tai Chi of yoga," TriYoga uses a systematized sequence of postures, rhythmic breathing and focus to achieve increased energy physically, mentally and spiritually to experience life with greater awareness. TriYoga »

Qi Gong

Qi Gong ("chee-gung") combines rhythmic breathing with slow, fluid movement as a source for meditation, self-healing and exercise. It is the ancient practice of working with qi, “life energy”, with roots in ancient Chinese culture. Qi Gong »

“Thoughts create actions, actions create habits, habits create character, character creates destiny.”

- Chinese Proverb